Spend a summer making a difference!

Be a HC Staff Member
Horton Center’s Summer Staff are a group of hand-selected, background-checked and rigorously trained individuals from all over New Hampshire and the world! Summer Staff are servant leaders, extravagant welcomers and enthusiastic and hard workers. Whether the staff are individuals who grew up coming to Horton Center or are brand new, they blend together to create a caring, effective team who are driven to provide awesome opportunities for adventure and faith-journeying with campers of all ages.

Staff receive extensive training on leadership, camp maintenance and spiritual growth in order to fulfill our goal of positively impacting every individual who visits Pine Mountain whether it be for a weekend or a week. By the end of each summer, staff are equipped with valuable life skills which easily transfer to most job applications and are great additions to your resume!
Horton Center is one of the best places in the world, if not the best. Though it is definitely a lot of work, this job is rewarding, tons of fun, and you learn so much.
Previous Staff
A new schedule everyday - you'll gain invaluable personal experiences and learn things that would not be learned as well, if at all, if not for the genuine and historic context of summer camp in New England.
Previous Staff
Working at Horton Center is awesome! From enjoying time in the outdoors to running activities with campers, every moment of being on staff is so much fun.
Previous Staff
This is the place you get to be yourself and challenge yourself in one of the most inviting environments out there. You will grow as a person, leader, as well as spiritually while giving the opportunity for these campers to do the same while being in God's beautiful creation.
Previous Staff
What Kinds of Jobs are Available?
Horton Center is the best place to receive valuable training and hands-on experience that prepares you for life. Grow in your leadership qualities, self-confidence, and ability to work with varieties of people. Deepen your faith as God uses you to make a difference in the lives of others. Make friendships that last a lifetime.
Every staff member, regardless of role, is primarily concerned for camper care, safety and spiritual life. Considering this, all staff can expect to be asked to perform duties not under their specific job responsibilities. Teamwork and flexibility are essential.
Would you prefer to be a volunteer counselor for a week? Application, references, and background check required. Training provided. Go to the volunteer page.
How Do I Apply?
Choose the appropriate link below, new staff or returning staff. You’ll be taken to our UltraCamp registration. (If you have not already done so, you will be asked to register with UltraCamp.)
Once you’ve submitted a completed staff application, you will hear from our Director regarding times and dates for interviews, which are usually conducted soon after applications are received. Two to four weeks after interviews and reference checks are completed, you will hear further about employment.
Applications will be accepted until all positions are filled.